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Select Your Tactical Analysis Course
Since our inception in 2011, we have built and customized our online training programs to meet the needs of our clients.
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Not sure which course is right for you?
Bottom Line Up Front: Each of the four courses are very similar to each other and cover the same main topics.
The primary difference between the programs come in the form of case studies, the decisions that we recommend, and the settings where the concepts taught in the course are applied.
If you categorize yourself as a "civilian," we recommend the Security Course for you.
In-Depth Explanation: We divide the modules in our courses into three groups, which determine the differences between the courses.
Behavior Based Modules: These modules provide instruction in the behaviors that we use to establish baselines and recognize anomalies. This type of module makes up the majority of our courses and are the same across the four courses since they are taught in non-market specific situations.
Case Study Based Modules: These modules provide context to the student about how the behaviors apply specifically to the unique needs of their market, and are unique to each of the courses. These case studies may be focused on active shooter scenarios, criminal scenarios, assassination based, or any other incident relevant to the student in that particular course and profession.There are approximately four total unique case-study based modules in the program.
Application Based Modules: This is the second way that we tailor courses to each market is in the modules that provide specific instruction about how the content being taught can be applied on the job. Since your decisions could be impacted by the authority allowing your actions, whether that is the rules of engagement, constitutional law, or the "reasonable person" standard, these modules become unique to each course.
How Does This Impacts Your Choice? You really can't pick the wrong course.
Because most of our students have chosen to train with us to learn about behavior approach to getting left of bang, and because the "behavior-based modules" make up the overwhelming majority of the modules, at the end of the course, you will have gotten to the same exact point as you would have had you chosen a different course.
Since the end-state for each program is the same, we recommend that students take that course that is going to be the most relevant to them at this point in your life. Even if you plan on changing jobs in the future, being able to immediately see the improvement in your situation awareness (and do that in your current role) is a critical step to learning. Our goal is that you are able to apply the lessons immediately so that you can begin the work to build deep file folders for behavior and move along the path to intuitive recognitions and decision making.