In today’s exercise, you will be practicing and developing your ability to assess the dominant cluster in an airport setting.
Click the “More” button to view the exercise.
The Workout
- Context: The video in today’s exercise is shot at a Southwest Airlines gate in Newark Airport as the “A” Boarding Group makes their way down the jetway.
- List all of the ways that the gate attendant displays dominance in the video
- Write your answers on a sheet of paper before viewing our answers
[expand title=”View Our Answers”]
- Positions herself at the checkpoint to the jetway, forcing everyone to come past her.
- Gives the verbal command of who is allowed to board at that time, first A16 A30, and then A31 to A60
- She nods her head a few times as she grants approval to those who are waiting to be acknowledged before moving down the jetway.
- Her act of scanning each ticket to ensure it is real.
- She gives the directions to the B Boarding Group to line up.
- She is fairly motionless as she makes passengers come to her (come to the scanner) through the choke point.
Add a comment with the assessments that you made, but that we didn’t make, so that we can check for those assessments and provide feedback on those specific observations. We will add them to our answers in the post itself for future viewings of the exercise.[/expand]
Enhance The Workout
- Repeat
- The goal for this exercise was to expand the number of indicators that you can use to identify people displaying the dominant cluster.
- Repeat the video as many times as needed until you have observed each assessment on our list.
- For assistance, you can review the indicators for the dominant cluster from the cluster cards.
- Reflect
- Break domain dependence: Think about an area in your job or life where you have seen similar dominance displayed by a person controlling access to an anchor point. How did they do it and why were they controlling the access point?
- Act
- Identify an area where you can make this observation in real time to solidify today’s exercise with personal experience both in your professional life and personal life.
- Go to that area and practice making the assessment.
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1 Comment
Though this touches on some of the points already made (head nod, checking tickets and verbal commands for group number), she controls the pace of movement at all times. The line is ready to move quickly but stops at times because she is not ready for it to proceed.